Old Cedar Trail
The Old Cedar Trail is a beautiful ramble - walk. It takes off from the road to Camp Vail. It meanders the entire lower acreage of property owned by the Kiwanis Club - an area seldom experienced. A spur trail off of the Golden Rule Trail also connects. All trails are well marked with signage. You will come into contact with a beautiful grove of cedar trees and experience some stunning aerial canopy views (Just look up)! On the saunter look to see if you view an abandoned boat slightly up hill - also a refrigerator and ask the question, “How did they get there”? Keep an eye out and you are likely to run across wildlife while exploring the surroundings: Deer, Pileated Wood Peckers, and Turkeys, plus flora native to the region. During spring thru June, as you make one’s way over the entire trail, you will negotiate a beautiful wetland area - plus Mirror Creek is running providing a most memorable journey.