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Camp Stidwell

Camp Stidwell consists of 3 rustic camps owned and managed by the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club, by reservation only.   Youth groups receive first choice of dates until January 1. Reservations are then opened for others groups, by date requested, received in order.


An inability to connect with nature is now recognized as a national issue of concern. We desire to provide local youth with a place to connect with the outdoors and to create a new generation of stewards, improve the mental and physical health of our youth, increase awareness of the important role nature plays in our lives.  


Therefore; CAMP STIDWELL IS OPERATED AS A PRIVATE GROUP RUSTIC CAMPGROUND, BY RESERVATION ONLY. Hundreds of private groups who share our goals of serving youth and family and providing a safe, affordable, private rustic campground setting have utilized Camp Stidwell for generations. If your private, youth/family oriented group is interested in learning more about Camp Stidwell, contact information is posted below. 


Camp Stidwell is utilized year round. Activities include:

Camping, picnicking, hiking, swimming, fishing (within season), wildlife and wildflower viewing, kayaking, canoeing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, ice fishing and there have been occasions when an ice hockey game broke out. If you feel snow shovelling is a winter sport, it’s another activity your youth group may indulge in!


There are four developed camping and recreation areas in the 159 acres that comprises Camp Stidwell.  Three of them, Camps Ouimet, Angell and Vail have covered pavilions and have been designed for overnight camping groups. The Shooting Star Day Camp is part of camp Vail, situated on the shore of Mirror Lake, opposite Camp Angell and Camp Ouimet. The Golden Rule Trail connects Camp Vail with the other areas. 

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To Reserve a Campground
Review the Camp Rules


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